Monday, 1 February 2016

Leigh Richardson

Leigh Richardson is a photographer who mostly uses the environment as his subject matter. This ranges from close ups of flowers to forest floors to busy roads and cityscapes. He uses digital editing software on his photos.

I came across one of his photos on a card and decided to find out more about his work. However the only information I could find was on his Digital Photographer page.  There are a lot of amazing photos in his gallery, including the photo I saw on the card although it has a different title - the card says the photo is called "Sunset Over Durdle Door" but his gallery says it is called "Fire in the Durdle Sky".

I would have used the image from his gallery but when I tried to insert the image it was blurred, so this is a photo of the card.

I really like Richardson's work and I would be interested in trying to take some similar photos of plants/flowers, etc. at some point.

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