Sunday, 14 August 2016

Highland Holiday Artwork 2016

This year we were away for just under three weeks and again I managed to do some artwork.  We also had our American friends staying with us for 9 days which was great fun as the last time we saw them was 2010.

Here are some of the paintings I did, using Inktense pencils and waterbrushes.

Duncansby Stacks

St Callan's through Rose Bush

Balnakiel caves from Sand Dunes

I was really pleased with these drawings and particularly like the textures of the grasses and trees.

I also experimented a lot with photographing the water in burns, rivers and waterfalls. Here are some of the results:


 I found it really interesting how even the smallest change in exposure affected the image. I really like the photos where you can see some of the droplets from the ripples in the burn. I also like the softer focus which I think suggests the speed and energy of the water.

I look forward to experimenting more with this technique and trying to develop it further.

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