Friday, 1 March 2024

Jan/Feb 2024

 Well, I have FINALLY finished the Braemar painting for my 'collection'! I am really proud of this one and I love the slightly magical atmosphere created with details that feel like a fairy path is going through the trees on the left and the "wishing-well" vibes from the tower on the right. 

"A Fairytale in Braemar"
Clunie Water, Braemar
50cm x 60cm

I also finished the 3-panel illustrations for the RotH2 poem "Bryn Bellan", and the illustrations for the next poem "The Soldier in the Garden", which is about the Easter-story and the Garden of Gethsemane. I found it a very thought provoking perspective on the story. I have 3 out of the remaining 6 poems left to illustrate and then section covers and title pages that need borders - it's getting so close to being finished!

Over the past few weeks, I've taken the first of the commissioned paintings from the "sketched/drawn" phase to the "starting to add colour" phase, which is going well so far. I've done the sky and I've started adding in the trees - which is time-consuming but I know, once finished, the overall effect will be worth it. 

I've also been going to the Galashiels Studio Club's weekly meetings which have been very interesting and informative - with talks on various topics including different painting techniques and mount-cutting. I'm looking forward to the next meeting which will be talking more about the upcoming exhibition and possible artworks involved.

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