Saturday, 2 April 2016

Information Graphics: Art Student Identity

For the first task in this unit we had to work in pairs to create an A1 poster that showed the identity of an art student. I worked with Morgan for this.

We started by doing a mind map of ideas and things that we thought were connected to art student identity e.g. materials, personality traits, etc. It was good working in pairs because we could get/merge ideas until we agreed on our final design.

We decided to do a poster in landscape format on black mount-board with two stickmen  showing the differences between "normal" and "art" students. This is our final poster:

For the "art" student side, we decided to use colourful paint to splatter both the person and the typography (we chose Helvetica and made it bold so that it was legible and eye-catching). There is also glitter to further express the creativity of art students. The art student's hands are at his head to suggest the chaos and madness that, as art students, we sometimes have to deal with.

I really like this design and enjoyed working with Morgan to create it. I also found it useful having someone to talk through and develop ideas with.

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