Wednesday, 13 April 2016

Papermaking Part 2

After learning the basics of wet papermaking techniques, we then tried dry fibre techniques using greaseproof paper and an iron to turn the fibres into "paper".

This method is a lot faster than the wet method because there is hardly any water to start with and any that is there, gets evaporated by the heat from the iron. It is also a lot easier to add colour with the dry method.

Here are some of the pieces I made...

I really like the effect made by the blue in the last "paper"  and I think it really helps make the flowers stand out.

I also tried using a few pieces of butterfly wing which I found in our garage last year...

I really like the delicateness the wings give to the already fragile "paper". I wish I had more butterfly wings to use but I will have to wait until they die off later in the year.

I have also embedded some different herbs/spices to varying success.






I think the rosemary and pepper samples worked better than the others because the powdered spices spread out more when I sprayed the water on. Some of these papers also smell a bit of the spices I used.

I really enjoyed experimenting with the different additives and colour possibilities and I hope to be able to use some of these ideas for my final piece (which I have yet to decide on - any ideas would be appreciated).

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