Saturday, 28 May 2016

Information Graphics: Invitations

The final task for this unit was to design the invitations for our annual end of year exhibition. Last years invite was in the style of a movie poster.

I had a few ideas to start with - a postcard, a dot-to-dot, and a folded invite (inspired by the treasure map in Castle S3Ep3). I also got to thinking about other mysterious messages/codes in other TV shows e.g. MI High and House of Anubis - which use a cipher sheet and mirror writing respectively in an episode or two.

For the invitations, we obviously had to think about typeface, size, etc. and I thought it would be quite interesting using the college font/typeface so that the text was the same as the logo. After finding the college print room, and waiting for someone to find the name of the font, we were told it was "ItC galliard". I then used this font for most of my invite ideas.

The postcard idea is quite simple and not very interesting but I thought by leaving the front blank, people could put whatever they wanted on and bring it to the exhibition to create a unique artwork - this part was inspired by the same idea but instead of having a blank card to draw on, it was a piece of fabric. Thinking more about the possible outcomes of this, I decided not to use it as my final idea.


I tried to do the dot-to-dot by hand but it wasn't very neat and when I got my friend to try connecting the dots, she noticed I missed out the "e" in "Invited" - oops. After that, I decided that that idea was too complicated both to figure out and to actually make.

I really liked the folded invite idea but without knowing how it is supposed to be folded, I think people would find it too confusing. At first I just randomly folded a piece of paper and wrote the info while it was folded but I put too many complicated folds in it. After watching the clip from Castle I worked out a much simpler way to fold it. I then made a rough draft to work out where to put the information and it worked quite well so I made another draft which had the college logo watermarked as well. I still had to hand write the parts over the folds but I think it looks really interesting.

The cipher sheet idea was quite hard to design because what I wanted to be seen from the outside wasn't actually written on the inside. The first draft had "You Are Invited" in separate boxes beside the actual invite details, which didn't really look very good. I then changed it so that I used letters from the actual details to spell out "U R INVITED" which I think also makes it feel a bit more modern/contemporary. After sorting out spacing, colour possibilities and borders, I was pleased with the result and was considering this design as my final idea.

I think the mirror writing was probably the simplest of the puzzle/code ideas because it  was just taking the normal invite and flipping it. I decided to use a dark blue and a sort of burgundy colour for the text and a gold-ish colour for the border. I really like this idea because I think the sort of interactive part -having to hold the invite facing a mirror- was quite fun.

I then narrowed it down to the mirror writing, the cipher sheet and the postcard ideas. After asking a selection of people which invite they thought would be best, I decided to use the cipher sheet idea as my final. I was really pleased with this idea and thought it combined the intrigue of a puzzle with the easy communication, necessary for any information, really well.

The one drawback with this design would be the hand cutting of the letter boxes on each invitation - but I still think it is a fun idea and I may use the idea in the future for something else.

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